Saturday 22 December 2012

New style! Yuh likey? :'D

I've done it before, and I did it again!:'D I think I'm going to be keeping it a LOOONG while...I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES(;

Saturday 8 December 2012

I found these funny xDD

I was on MissM's blog and saw the post about 'Carly Gray' and checked out her blog. I found all the teenager posts and stuff...I found these ones funny : I could relate O_O Is this bad? xDD

Bored ---> Goes to kitchen ---> Opens fridge ---> Leaves empty handed.

That awkward moment when you get shampoo in your eyes and you feel like you are going blind.

Please keep talking, I always yawn when I'm interested.

"Dinner is ready!" ... "Okay! Coming!"...*Stays on the computer* "DINNER IS READY!!!"..."I SAID I'M COMING!!!!"

In fact I did that a minute ago...:3

That awkward moment when you say hi to someone and it's not them.

6: 1 new message: runs for phone, jumps over sofa, runs a marathon, swims Atlantic Ocean, pushes mum out of the way. grabs phone...."k"

That awkward moment when the teacher is yelling at the class and you really want to laugh for some reason.

When theres a hair on your tongue and you try to take it out without looking. And you're like, "WHY CANT I FIND YOU?!"

Don't pick me..don't pick me..*teacher calls your name*

When I'm cleaning my room: 1% cleaning, 29% complaining, 70% playing with stuff I just found.


"Let's eat Grandma."
"Let's eat, Grandma."
Puncuation can save lives.

Sorry that was random;'3

Friday 30 November 2012


My movie was in first place on highscores.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

OMG I LOVE YOU ALL read on to find out why :D


if you cant read my terrible handwriting that says page 2!!!
YES MY MOVIE IS ON HIGHSCORES!! ON PAGE 2!! I HAVE EARNT SO MUCH FAME (in conclsion to y level 13!!:D) AND MONEY!:D i appreciate it sooooooooooooooo much:D

Sunday 25 November 2012

My actually SUCCESSFUL movie series!!

OMG! I soooooo appreciate the movie views on my new movie series: I'm a moviestar get me out of hereee! This its the most views I have had on a movie..I guess it's not alot compare to some movies, but to me, IT'S TOTALLY AWESHUUM^^^ :'DDD

I  HAVE HAD 70 VIEWS ON THE FIRST ONE!!!! before on my movies i have had like...errrm...12, 13, 14, 15? THIS IS AMAZINGGGGGG!xDD Okaii, u get it c:
So please watch the second one, we need to get as many views as the first!! Ty xxx

Saturday 10 November 2012


I think this shows it all.
@Toby...haha, serves you right :P
@Coyote...I'm so sorry..but look how i stood up for you :D

Saturday 3 November 2012

A Non Msp Related Post:3

Heyyoo^^ Lola here...well, obviously:'3

Do any of you reading have these books:

Or something like that?

Well, I'm on the website!!! :D! Just type top model into google and it will come up! :)
Please join and add me? I'm Vanilla-
I'm obsessed with designing topmodels in these books...and I've started uploading them onto the website..
I've only uploaded 1 so far, which I drew today, and I thought I'd share it with you :3

Yeah, ik its rubbish but who cares?! xD

Message me on Msp what you think of my rubbish drawing and your username if you're on the TOPModel website...


Monday 29 October 2012

I'm naughty^.^

Me being weird to some girls.

She got anoyed with meee....o.e
Some people -.- I nly said i liked her shoes;D

Saturday 20 October 2012

I thought I'd share my news with you :) !!

I passed my...

Yesh I did!!! :D

Yeah, I know, your probz not impressed, but anywayz.

Thanks to everyone that has said well done and everything...


Oh yh and I'm obsessed with drawing manga..o.o I keep drawing this emo mangas which I've never drawn before, AND NOW I CAN'T STOP DRAWING :'D

Yh, sorry, RANDOMNESS, bye.

P.S: Ari, I know your jel of my grapey rubber;]

Friday 19 October 2012

What is it with my music player not playing??!!!xO
Oh and pls help if you know why, or how I've done something.
Thank youuu!!
(Oh and for now if you want to listen to music click the play button on the player down the bottom :) )

Saturday 13 October 2012

^^Oh yeah :D

LEVEL 12 LEVEL 12 *dies*

I chose the cushion for some reason xD i love all you guys who helped me to level 12, I LUFF YOU I LUFF YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
Yeah, you get it ;]
I loooove this babaaay;D

Sunday 30 September 2012

As you can see I have a new blog layout. I haven't yet finished the sides- with pictures I mean- so sorry if you know your a good friend and your not yet there.
Please don't beg, but if you know your a good friend please ask :)

And this freaked me out:

Its weird O.o
sorrry, busy, lol. xD

Saturday 29 September 2012

Friends are special people. Friends are people you can trust. Friends..are FRIENDS.
The above picture is of some of my friends. My friends in real life, if your wondering why your not there or something. These are the people...that are special. I can trust, and are my friends.

This is me and one of my friends that I did not put in the 1st picture.
Her username is Red hot girl 22, add her!! xD She is aweshuum^^
And she has cool harry potter like yh :D i waaant them;]

Here are my friends from real life that I an think of:

Sophia Dove<3
AREdMANGIRLSBOY<3 (Weird name :p)
Red hot girl 22<3


P.S: Please don't take this as an offence if your not there. These are my friends in real life, rather than on the internet.


Saturday 22 September 2012

Hello my friends. Im sorry i havent posted latley & stuff.. i just can't be bothered. To make the banner, the background etc. It's too hardd D:
I'm just being a bit lazy but you knoww :L sometimes i have to be.
i had to show yu  this pic:

all i ever find are roleplays and stories. Suprisingly, the number of stories HAS decreased. Which to be honest, im suprised abouut^^
but all i ever see is roleplaysroleplaysroleplays<3:L

yesh..oh yesh.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Sowwie, I haven't changed my blog lately. I will soon, but I just can't be bothered D: im a bit lazy llike that;)
and recently i dont have anything to post
oh yh..
errm..can you pls add :3 Cookies :3 shes my friend in rl, and she wants level 3? Yeah, ik, thats why i want you to add her Dx give her autos?
Also....if you want a blog banner, Please ask me. they cost 1 auto, and i will be checking;D
you can find them on the "Blog banners" part of my blog, you can just click the link at the top of my blog.
OH OH OH and if you have any good ideas for a movie for me to make, please tell me? i want to make a movie, but im pretty USELESS at ideas sooo..thank you:)


Friday 7 September 2012

Trading-.- and the new comp xD

Ok, lets make this straight. Like this line: ----------- I do not trade.
The only time I will ever trade is if I ask, which, honestly, will be VERY rarely.
All I ever get is wanna trade, can we trade and once even someone called me babe! I'm like..GRRRRRR xO

I get these AAAAAAAALLLLL the time>.> its really annoying?


The new comp! I LUFFF IT!xD

It reminded me of Monster high, so guess thats the idea?

Heres the items in the shops:
See what I mean now?!:D Yeah!!!! :]

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Ok, my current boyfriend on Msp is Mr.Abdani. People have been saying "dump him" or "omg what r u doing?" or "he looks ugly. go out with (insert name) instead"
Its getting annoying. Look at this:

I mean seriously?
It's kinda funneeh aswell though xDD

Sunday 2 September 2012


I found smileylucys first look:

Sorry, I had to share this with you :D


My friend Charlie (FreakyCoyote) is auditioning for a part in a performance!!!!!It's High School Musical (and if you laugh, then -.-)
and wish her luck!!
Heres her profile:

Type her in into your friend finder and ADD HER NOWWWW!:D :D :D
Send her friendly messages pls, no nasty mails.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Fancy a makeover and don't know what to get?

Ask me!:D
I'm going to give you a few ideas for your face on MovieStarPlanet.
Theres a fewww!!!


Star Power eyes (VIP)- $400
Regular nose- $300
Cool cat lips- $300

Pretty perfect eyes (VIP): $400
Freckles nose (VIP): $300
Perfect pout lips (VIP): $400
Sweet stuff eyes (VIP): $400
Pointy nose: $300
Cool cat eyes: $300
Glitter galore eyes: $450
Regular nose: $300
Cool cat: $300
Naturally pretty:
Girl next door eyes: $300
Regular nose: $300
Cool cat lips: $300
Party perfect eyes (VIP): $300
Freckles nose (VIP): $300
Perfect pout lips(VIP) : $400
(All of the skin tones are $300. None are VIP)
I hoped you like them!
Please say if you're using them, your welcome to, I just want to know who does!xD
I'm bringing a new page to my blog too, Ideas For Makeovers. It'll we be posts of different outfits and facial ideas for your moviestar!!
Btw you can request ideas for your moviestars for example: I would want a girly look with cool cat lips. Can it please be under $1250?
Can I have an outfit for the competion please? Can it include the "Galaxy ruffles" t-shirt please? And please can the colour of the hair be brown..?!
~Thanks for reading!!!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

About the homepage...

I was about to log in to Msp when I saw a avatar that looked like princesssusan at the side of the homepage..

So I logged in and made a look of princesssusan, it turns out she had these clothes:

Its obviously her...and then I logged find this:

The character looked fimiluar...SMILEYLUCY!:p

So I logged in again (Ik, yawn :O) And made THIS look:

It's smileylucy. So obviously these are here for a reason...
What reason? Someone please tell me?


I was trying to put a picture of a cat on my blog from my webcam but it only showed me, help?

Monday 27 August 2012

My New Boonie.

Well, shes not exactly new. I just swapped the design. Haha ;D
This is my new boonie Lily:

and me ofc. Isn't she cuteeee?
And I MUST keep her....I need to level her up xD Shes still level 0, poor thing. But thats my fault...o.e

Heres her in my room:

with her hot chocolate and boonie food! D:
just noticed shes blinking...ooh well. id care :D
And btw come to my room and love her. You'll earn 2 coins or something like that. And dont act like I'm weird, 2 coins makes a difference >.<

Thursday 16 August 2012

I'm such a naughty girl.

~My Favourite MovieStar~

My favourite moviestar out of the whooooole msp? Bex.

Here she is. Shes a massive hunger games fan like me, as you can see her bubble. I've spoken with Bex both on the English and the Norwegian server, and she seems really kind.
People probably think I'm weird...but I think Bex is the best highscorer.
Not Anyaa, ishacool or DiaVanille.
But Bex.
This is only my opinion, ok? So I don't care if you don't like her for something or you have a different favourite, shes my favourite!!



Wednesday 15 August 2012


Hello. I found an msp staff faker, here:

Proof? Aha, heres some:
- 1st of all her name is nothing to do with the staff, just a normal user name.
- You can't talk to staff, and you can talk to her:
